Together In Faith
Centered around the basics of faith—Bible, prayer and worship—these special classes are held throughout the year focusing on a specific age group and their parents. An age-appropriate look at faith through Bible stories, games, theme-related activities and parent-child conversation is as enjoyable for the adults as for the children.
Erie Lutheran Parish Joint Vacation Bible School
Held each year with classes for all ages Vacation Bible School is truly a family activity. Everyone in the Erie community is welcome to attend this summer program.
Confirmation Program
Each confirmation candidate receives two academic years of training. The church provides study sessions, worship experiences, observations of the inner workings of the church, and church/community service projects.
First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion is offered to students in grade 3 and above. A class is held in the Spring for students and their parents to learn the significance of sharing the communion meal. Children and their families receive the Sacrament for the first time at a Sunday worship service.
MON – THUR. (9:00 – 2:00)
Office Hours
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